Sunday, January 20, 2008

She's Staying Busy Not Writing This Weekend

I'm agitated with my fantasy author. Sandy Lender spent the day yesterday working. She's working again today. The problem is she's not working on the Choices Meant for Gods trilogy that I've been giving her ideas for. You know, there is editing work to be done...

No, she's running to get her hair cut or to deposit her paycheck or to the grocery store or to Wal-mart. She's editing this obnoxious young adult book that she's been plodding her way through since it arrived on her desk at Thanksgiving. She's sworn me to secrecy on the name of it because she refuses to give bad press to a fellow author who has obviously spent time and energy on a book that he or she loves...but she's having a terrible time following the limitations the publishing house has placed on edits. Anyway, she's finishing that this weekend. She's also run out to the club to exercise this weekend. And she's prepared meals, which was a surprise. She spent nearly an hour on the phone with her sister yesterday. I'm just sitting back in awe at the list of things that have taken precendence over working on MY project, and the things that will take precedence over it again today. You should see this list!

I'm feeling neglected and unloved. (awww...she brought me cake...)

How do you get an author's attention back on editing?

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Ellory said...

I'm feeling neglected and unloved. (awww...she brought me cake...)

LOL.. you sound so put upon. I don't know you can't come up with a good way to get your author's mind back? How about torturing her with so lots of good plot ideas that she'll have to return to writing.

Laura M. Crawford said...

How about giving the poor girl a break? C'mon, Nigel! All work and no play makes Sandy drop dead from exhaustion, and the depositing the paycheck, going shopping for groceries and going to the gym, give her a chance to recharge her batteries, as it were. Oh, yeah. I forgot, you don't know what batteries are in Onweald. Ok, you can't run a horse full out without the horse collapsing, right? You run it, you walk it, you run it, you walk it, you rest so the horse can continue on with the journey.

Ok, got it? Now, give your author a nice foot massage, send her to a nice, hot bubble bath, and tell her how beautiful, talented and wonderful she is and that she can relax today.

And the plot ideas from Ann M., are a good thing too, just do it while she's dreaming and make sure she has a pen and paper handy.

Laura :)

Nigel said...

I have tons of plot ideas...I think she's ignoring them. We have one of those "author knows best" problems going on here, I do believe.
All my best to you,

Nigel said...

Yes, I left her alone after a while. The hot bubble bath thing does get her to slow down sometimes, but she's got a turtle in the bath tub right now.

Don't ask.

All my best!

Laura M. Crawford said...

"she has a turtle in the bathtub right now..." Nigel, knowing Sandy like I do, no further explanation is necessary. :)

Has she named the turtle or is it "just passing through"?

Laura :)

Nigel said...

I'm embarrassed to say this, but the turtle's name is Joshua. And it's a girl. On their own, each of these things would seem mildly distressing, but when you add them all up, it's just plain bizarre. I'm going to make sure she spends all of her time on the planes and in the airports this weekend writing and editing. It's all about Chariss and me. Me me me.
(Although she has a magazine she's been making notes in that she's sending to some of it's all about you you you.)
All my best,

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